Where is the telehealth industry heading?
Six years ago when we launched GALE, our vision of hospital-at-home and digital front door to healthcare was well ahead of the industry. COVID happened and the telehealth industry has caught up with our vision. So where is the puck heading now? New technologies allow for vital sign monitoring by watching or listening to the patient. Extracting heart rate, respiration rate, SpO2, blood pressure, depression, and more using a phone's camera and microphone.. exciting, but how accurate are these? We're launching GALE | VisualVitals on September 2nd, making GALE the world's first remote point-of-care solution to combine deviceless vital sign measurement with an open suite of FDA-approved devices — including blood testing, ultrasound, 12L ECG, and 25+ smart diagnostic devices. Some of the topics we'll be reviewing in the webinar:
How does deviceless vital sign measurement work?
How does augmented reality telehealth fit into a healthcare organization's workflow?
How will pairing this technology with FDA-approved devices enable healthcare providers to serve patients better?
Thursday, September 2nd at 10AM Alaska / 11AM Pacific / 12NN Mountain / 2PM Eastern
If you can't join live, register now and we'll still send you a recording of the webinar that you can watch at your convenience. Learn more about this exciting new technology, how it fits into your existing telehealth solution, and how we can help you build a long-term enhanced telehealth platform!